
We want to continue to offer partisan, independent advice and support, free German language courses and much more to refugees and migrated people. For this we depend on your donations!

Our bank details:
KuB e.V.
IBAN: DE70 4306 0967 1150 4052 02

Support the KuB with a one-time or monthly donation! Donations to the KuB are used to pay rent, provide public transportation tickets to beneficiaries, purchase office supplies, finance co-payments for funded projects, and much more. You can find more information about how we use donations in our transparency report.

Notes on donations

Depending on the provider, there are fees of 2.5% to 5% for each donation, so that less money reaches us than you have donated. The lowest fees are charged for transfers directly to our bank account. You can also donate via the donation form or Betterplace.

If you donate by bank transfer, we do not have your contact details, so you will not receive any further notification. However, you are very welcome to send us your contact details by email after your donation. You can also let us know whether you need a donation receipt.